City Wide Building Services

Building Maintenance Fort Worth, Texas

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    City Wide
    Building Services

    City Wide Building Services is a full service building maintenance company with 40 years of experience maintaining and preserving Texas’ best landmarks. Our professionals are ready to help you maximize the value of your property.​

    Fort Worth, Texas

    Fort Worth is the fifth largest city in Texas, and it’s the 27th largest across the country. Its status as one of the largest cities in the United States means that it’s always moving forward, and the skyline is truly something to behold.

    From high rises to one-story buildings, Fort Worth has a huge variety of buildings. Those buildings need very specific care, and it’s care you may never have thought of yourself. This is where an expert can help by assessing your needs and formulating a plan to deal with them.

    Industrial services in Fort Worth are flourishing as Fort Worth residents continue to take pride in the beauty of their buildings. City Wide is here to help with your Fort Worth business needs.

    CityWide Building Services for Fort Worth, Texas

    If you’re looking for building services from a group with plenty of experience, CityWide is a great starting point. With more than 50 years of experience, CityWide can help you with premier complex commercial window cleaning services in and around Texas. It doesn’t matter if you own an especially tall high-rise or a single-story retail location; CityWide is a great choice for protection and maintenance.

    Plus, CityWide offers more than just industry experience. We also provide $10 million of insurance and workers from the largest team of International Window Cleaning Association (IWCA) certified technicians in Texas. With our great track record and high-quality services, CityWide has become the service provider of choice for over 4,000 properties, and we’d be honored to count your property among them.

    Old districts of Fort Worth

    Commercial Window Cleaning in Fort Worth Fort Worth, Texas

    When you have a commercial building, you need great-looking windows. The windows on a commercial building can have a huge impact on how people perceive the building overall — imperfections on these windows can stand out, leading to a negative impact on the building and the company inside it. That’s why you want to avoid streaks, dirt, and smudges on your windows.

    This is where CityWide comes in. You don’t have to settle for less effective cleaning — CityWide can help you get the window cleaning your building deserves.

    window washing

    Commercial Pressure Washing in Forth Worth, Texas

    Many buildings have significant discoloration or dirt on the exterior surfaces. This may include driveways and sidewalks, two surfaces that often have discoloration that can look like staining until you use pressure washing to remove the build-up of dirt and grime. With pressure washing, you may find that a surprising amount of the discoloration on your exterior surfaces goes away.

    CityWide can help you determine whether pressure washing will help restore your building to its previous glory, from driveways to sidewalks to even external walls.

    pressure washing

    Landmarks And Architectural Of Fort Worth Texas

    The industrial services sector in Fort Worth is so large because many businesses are looking to make their home in the city. With so many different buildings in and around Fort Worth, you’re going to need to maintain your business’s building somehow. City Wide can help you in the areas of beauty, structural stability, and DIY.

    It’s definitely a good idea to think a little bit about the beauty of the building you’re in. You can’t just leave your building entirely on its own when it comes to beauty. City Wide can help you bolster your company’s building with services like window washing, pressure washing, and high dusting.

    Your building’s structural integrity is also important to pay attention to. Texas has a significant history stretching back decades, which extends to its buildings. Many older buildings have structural problems, which is exactly why it’s so crucial to take advantage of City Wide’s services, including building restoration, anchor inspection, and anchor installation.

    Most companies will pass the majority of their building needs over to an expert, but there are some things that you can DIY for your building. To help you with that, City Wide offers services like equipment rentals and anchor load test certifications.

    With its variety of historical landmarks and gorgeous architectural marvels, Fort Worth is nothing if not a beautiful location. There are plenty of places where anyone, whether they’re a tourist or a local, can go to marvel at the sights of Fort Worth.

    This includes high-rise buildings like the Burnett Plaza, coming in at an incredible 567 feet high, or 40 floors. It’s been the tallest building in Fort Worth since 1983, the year the construction crew completed it. Its hundreds of windowpanes require immense upkeep to maintain their shine.

    The city has also been around for over 150 years, which is why it’s got a variety of very old buildings still around. There are a number of buildings that have passed the 100-year mark and are still going strong, largely due to the efforts of upkeep specialists who know exactly how to manage these century-old buildings.

    No matter where you go to see the beauty of Fort Worth, there’s going to be a building there that massively enhances the area. Keep your eyes open for gorgeous Fort Worth buildings as you walk around the area to get the best experience.

    Around the city, you’ll find a variety of different design styles. Older buildings tend to have a flair for Spanish and Catholic architecture, while new buildings tend to be on the cutting edge of the design world, showcasing some of the most new and interesting design types.

    However, regardless of what design style a building uses, it needs upkeep. This upkeep may certainly vary from building to building, but it’s important to remember that the newest buildings need just as much upkeep as buildings that have been around for over a hundred years. They just need different types of upkeep.

    With an older building, you’re more likely to need some upkeep when it comes to the home’s structure. Once you have the structure taken care of, you can invest into the rest of the building, including making sure the outside looks incredible.

    On the other hand, with buildings that were built in the last few decades, you’re less likely to have to put a lot of effort into structural maintenance. What you should do is make sure you’re paying a lot of attention to ensuring a great look.

    Forth Worth, Texas Building Restoration Services

    Building restoration is an important part of owning any building. No matter what kind of building you own, you’re going to eventually need to deal with it having issues with deterioration. All buildings deteriorate over time, and you have to handle these problems as a building owner. It’s always best to handle these problems earlier rather than later; if you wait too long, the fix is more likely to be expensive and difficult.

    Contact CityWide today to learn more about your building restoration options, including how you can fix these problems early on.

    Anchor Inspection & Certification for Forth Worth, Texas

    Roof anchor systems are an important part of tall, high-rise buildings. With these systems, you can ensure that a crew and equipment can access the outside of your building, whether for repairs, window cleaning, or any other reason. Government regulations exist to ensure that these systems provide safety for the crew and equipment that need to be used, requiring components like initial certification and annual inspection.

    Regardless of what you need, including annual inspections, load test certifications, anchor assessments, and installation services, CityWide can help.

    Compact Atrium Lifts for Buildings in Forth Worth, Texas

    Atrium lifts, also called compact crawler lifts, allow you to access tall building components inaccessible with normal ladders. These compact-design lifts can fit inside doorways and up and down stairways. With atrium lifts, you can easily access internal and external areas within your building.

    Through CityWide, you can get atrium lifts, allowing you to access heights between 19 and 95 feet. You can also get a lift operator if you don’t have one on your staff.

    Architectural Restoration for Forth Worth Buildings

    Architectural restoration is an important part of many buildings with some architectural importance. Whether a famous architect developed them or they have special architectural characteristics, these buildings need a special touch when undergoing restoration due to general deterioration. It’s important that these restorations keep your architectural concepts in mind. 

    With CityWide, you can get help with wet glazing and window sealing, crack repair services, such as caulking and sealing, rust and stain removal, and concrete repair and cleaning.

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