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Home > Service List > Anchor Inspection and Certification
Anchor Inspections are not a problem for City Wide Building Services, no matter how high your rooftop is. Our team of trained professionals are standing by to verify the integrity of your rooftop anchors. We have inspected a countless number of high-rise rooftop anchors, all over Texas so we are familiar with the territory, knowledgeable about the architecture, and experienced at properly inspecting rooftop anchors in Texas.
City Wide conducts annual visual inspections for existing fall protection or fall arrest systems. We also perform load test certifications stamped by a Professional Engineer in the state of Texas.
International Window Cleaning Association I-14.1-2001 Window Cleaning Safety manual has required since 2001 that: “Anchorages shall be inspected annually…anchorages shall re-certified when re-roofing or renovating or at periods not to exceed 10 years.”
OSHA also requires that all building owners conduct annual inspections of their rooftop davits and anchors, to ensure the safety of window washers or any contractor that may require suspended access.
OSHA 1910.27(b)(1)(i) states: “Employers uses and rope descent system, the building owner must inform the employer in writing that the building owner has identified, tested, certified, and maintained each anchorage so it is capable of supporting 5,000 pounds in any direction, for each worker attached”.
City Wide conducts annual visual inspections for existing fall protection or fall arrest systems. We also perform load test certifications stamped by a Professional Engineer.
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