City Wide Building Services is a full service commercial building maintenance company that has been servicing the Texas area for over 45 years.
City Wide takes pride in Occupational Health & Safety System Program. Safety training and education are an integral part of our everyday operation; safety is the responsibility of every employee at all levels, and prevention of accidents or injuries starts with training—both in the classroom and on the job. From ladder work to operating a swing stage on a 47- story building, our technicians are trained to proactively identify and mitigate possible risks that may occur. The following programs are currently in place to ensure safety and compliance:
New Employee Orientation: All new employees are introduced to our safety program via a 90 minute bi-lingual orientation video followed by a written exam.
Bi-Monthly Full Safety Meetings conducted by 3rd party safety consulting firm, with additional safety training as need for competencies.
All training is verified and co-implemented with a3rd party safety consulting firm.
International Window Cleaning Association (IWCA) – City Wide utilizes the OSHA Alliance IWCA certification program to assist in training our people with the up to date safety regulations.
Industrial Rope Access – City Wide has team of professional Industrial Rope Access technicians that elevate our rope programs to a safety standard that exceeds all OSHA requirements. City Wide employees level 1,2, and 3 SPRAT/IRATA professionals.
Site Specific Evaluation and Training: All job sites are evaluated prior to start. High Rise jobs have a specific Project Safety Plan prepared prior to the work being performed. In addition a Jobsite Hazard Analysis (JHA) reports are completed by the crew and supervisor before each job.
Manufacture’s Training: All employees are certified by the manufacturer for building owned equipment such as BMUs davit systems and Aerial lifts .
Scaffold/Competent person training: City Wide supervisors and Operations personnel are certified in the use of Suspended Scaffolds and Competent person training.
City Wide Supervisors and Operational Management are certified in OSHA 30 hour which is intended to ensure that workers and employers are more knowledgeable about workplace hazards and their rights, and contribute to the creation of a safe job environment.
On-site safety inspections: Inspections are performed by our Management staff frequently routinely and City Wide works with a 3rd party safety consulting firm to perform regular “unannounced” safety inspections. All City Wide employees and 3rd party consultants have STOP Work authority with safety concerns. Safety inspections are distributed to the entire management staff digitally and the results of all safety inspections are reviewed by the Operations team.
Consultation: City Wide partners with building owners, equipment manufacturers and engineers to ensure fall protection systems and roof top anchors meet the highest level of compliance.
Accessing your building’s facade is inherently dangerous work. With this much exposure to risk, you cannot afford to take any chances. That’s why City Wide goes above and beyond what’s required to prevent any incidents. But in the unlikely event that an incident does occur, we have liability insurance coverage with some of the highest limits in the industry.
Emergency Response Team: If an incident occurs, our team — comprised of City Wide personnel along with a third-party investigative first-response service — will accurately assess any exposure and liability to protect all parties involved.
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